Weekly News Update

April 20, 2018
After back to back wins against QPR and Burton Albion, City showed why they are where they are in the league with a disappointing 1-0 defeat against Sheffield Wednesday last Saturday. The Tigers didn’t perhaps get the rub of the green and could have quite easily earned a point against their Yorkshire rivals but it wasn’t to be..
This Saturday City head to Bristol City. The Robins need a win to keep their slim play off hopes alive whilst a win for City will guarantee survival baring a significant swing in goal difference. We wish a safe journey to all those travelling.
Here’s your Trust update…
Hull City Ticket Model
You are all no doubt aware that the Club has recently decided to ignore the votes submitted in the original ballot relating to a proposed ticketing model for next season and instead issued a 2nd ballot without any consultation with the Supporters Committee.
Needless to say as a Board we have continued to pursue this matter with both the Club and also the Football Supporters Federation and Supporters Direct, both of whom the Trust are proud members.
For further details please use the link here.
HCST Board Meeting Minutes
The Trust held a Board Meeting on Monday (16th) at the William Gemmel. 
The minutes are available here and on our website.
The main outcome of the meeting was an adoption of a simplified Aims & Objectives which can be seen at the end of the minutes
Parliamentary Petition – Safe Standing
The FSF and other organisations are promoting a Parliamentary Petition asking for Safe Standing to be introducet at PL and Championship clubs.
The petition can be signed here.
More details of the FSF’s Safe Standing campaign can be found here.
Dean Windass – 10 years on
RM Sports Events are presenting An Evening with Hull City legend Dean Windass; 10 years to the day since that amazing strike which sent The Tigers to the Premier League.
More details of the event can be found here.
Parliamentary Petition – Indepenent Governance
Blackpool Supporters Trust have started a Parliamentary Petition asking for the introduction of an Independent Regulator for English Football
More details can be found on the Blackpool Supporters Trust website here.
The petition can be signed here.
Hull City Ladies
The Tigresses maintained their league leaders status with a hard fought 1-0 win away at Chester or Street last Sunday.
This week they hit the road again at Crewe Alexandra looking to maintain their gap at the top of the table.
The match at home to Brighouse Town on April 29th is looking increasingly like a title decider – make a note in your diary to go and cheer the girls on.
For more articles on The Ladies check out the excellent Fanatic Hull website.
Sign up or renew your membership of the Hull City Supporters’ Trust
Alternatively paper Membership Forms are available at the William Gemmel this Saturday, along with a selection of Merchandise & you save on P&P.
Amber Nectar
More wisdom from our friends at Amber Nectar.
Please follow these links for the latest  Podcast and  Things We Think We Think.
Hull City Fans Forum on Hull Kingston Radio
More fan-focused chat hosted by Ian Waterson.
You can listen to the latest programme here.
Tigers Down Under
The latest podcast from our antipodean friends. Available on
YouTube and Soundcloud.
Please follow them on Facebook and Twitter.

HCST’s Partner of the Week 
In this week’s Partner of the Week section, we have an in-focus look at two HCST partners – Hornsea Town Walking Football & The Frying Farmer.
Our first partner of the week is Hornsea Town Walking Football
Walking football club predominantly played by men over fifty, but no minimum or maximum age limits to play. Walk your way back to fitness with HTWFC. HCST Members benefit from 50% off annual membership.
They meet Sundays, 9:30am-10:30am, Hornsea School and Language College, Eastgate, Hornsea, HU18 1DW.
Their Facebook page can be found here.
Our second partner of the week is The Frying Farmer.
23 Hornsea Road, Aldbrough
HCST members can get a free side order with a takeaway meal or a free hot drink when eating in the restaurant.
Merchandise Offer
For this week’s offer,our Luxury Keyring/Bottle Opener is only £3. Buy yours from the store  
Stop the front page!
HCST are looking for new contributors to our website.
These can be articles about football in general, all things Hull City or match reports. So if you’re a sports journalist in the making or just fancy giving it a go as a hobby please let us know – you don’t need to be a professional – all articles will be welcome. There’s no requirement to produce words every week or month, just as and when you are able to. If you are interested please email us here.

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