The club’s owners
CTWD was of course formed as a vehicle to co-ordinate and drive the “No to Hull Tigers” campaign. Although we were successful in persuading the FA Council to reject the proposed name-change in April 2014, the FA Council decision was set aside and the club made a fresh application. We opposed this and the second application was rejected by the FA in 2015. We will continue to be vigilant in protecting the heritage of Hull City AFC.
The club has withdrawn concessions for disabled fans. This is an act which affects the most vulnerable people – we will support our fellow fans in their negotiations for this decision to be reversed and for the club to measure its policies against the most progressive of Premier and Football League sides.
We will support the club in establishing mechanisms for fan consultation and argue that HCST, being the supporters’ trust for the club, should have a major role in this.
Hull City Council
We want to develop a close and effective relationship with the council and instigate a dialogue regarding the operation of the KC Stadium. As a supporters’ trust we have a mandate for delivering benefits to local people and we want to explore how we can ensure supporters get a say in how this community asset is managed and developed in the future.
National campaigns
We are in support of the campaigns run by Supporters Direct (SD) and the Football Supporters’ Federation (FSF). Key ones currently are the FSF’s Safe Standing, Away Fans Matter and Watching Football Is Not A Crime! Against League Three is an independent campaign, supported by the FSF and SD, which has emerged to counter the FA’s proposals to restructure the leagues.
- Safe Standing aims to persuade the Government, football authorities and football clubs to accept the case for introducing, on a trial basis, limited sections of standing areas at selected grounds in the stadiums of Premier League and Championship football clubs. (Note that Hull City supports this campaign).
- Away Fans Matter emphasises the vital contribution away fans bring to the game and seeks to have this contribution recognised. In particular, it lobbies for away match tickets to be capped at £20 (£15 for concessions).
- Watching Football Is Not A Crime! is part of the Football Supporters’ Federation’s ongoing drive to monitor the police in their dealings with football fans and work with them to ensure that all fans are treated fairly and within the law.
Against League Three: the proposal in FA Chairman Greg Dyke’s England Commission Report to insert a new “League 3” – made up of Premier League “B teams” – in-between League 2 and the Conference has by and large received an unfavourable response, with opposition from both the leagues and fan groups.
HCST supported the Football Supporters’ Federation’s petition for the Premier League tv rights money to be shared out and the related petition urging Premier League clubs to pay at least the Living Wage.
We also encourage fans to add their voices to those pressuring FIFA to take action to address the conditions and risks endured by migrant workers who are engaged in bulding Qatar’s infrastructure for the 2022 World Cup (see Playfair Qatar).