Please join the Trust

To all Hull City Supporters,

As you will no doubt be aware, Nigel Adkins newly assembled but generally young-looking squad have ensured a difficult start to the new season, and it’s already looking like a long 8 months ahead.

Whether the moderate support from the Club owners to replace the exodus of players leaving over the summer period is enough to ensure another relegation battle can be avoided remains to be seen, but most fans are rightly concerned.

We have been in direct contact with the club via numerous e-mails and face to face meetings in recent months on various issues affecting the wider fan base, but despite documenting our concerns in a formal capacity, the Club have simply continued to ignore our requests for clarity and feedback on the issues raised.

As a Trust Board, we will always have the interests of our members at the forefront of everything we do, and as the Club have failed to engage with our reasonable requests, we have now escalated our concerns to the English Football League, Football Supporters Federation and Supporters Direct.

All 3 have acknowledged we have legitimate concerns and will be contacting the Club senior management on our behalf. (We will of course keep our members informed once we receive relevant responses and feedback)

Now like no other time, is the time for all Hull City supporters to pull together. Together we will be stronger, with greater likelihood of success for reuniting our fan base and re-igniting the enjoyment of OUR club that we cherish so dearly.

So, whether you have previously been a member of the Hull City Supporters Trust or not, we urge you to renew your membership or sign up with us. There are currently 3 available options:

1. 1 year – £5 (Just £2 for junior members aged 16 or under)

2. 3 years – £11 (which includes an exclusive HCST badge & car sticker)

3. Lifetime – £41 (which includes the badge, car stickers, your name on the Life Member listing on our website & also the choice of a HCST pint glass or copy of the acclaimed book ’46 & Counting’ by Ian Bunton)

All our members receive a weekly newsletter by e-mail, and we also have a range of competitively priced merchandise, with plans for greater member involvement. Your HCST membership also entitles you to numerous discounts via our partners which can be found here. Just using one partner discount can recoup the cost of your entire membership!

This link will take you to our website where you can sign up. It takes only a few minutes to complete the application and your HCST membership pack will be posted straight away once payment has been completed.

If you are already a member then why not encourage a family member or friend to join – we all must know a City supporter that we can ask to sign up.

The Hull City Supporters Trust Board will continue to represent our members and the wider Hull City fan base and will do whatever is necessary to improve the relationship with our club forward in the future.

Please re-join or sign up us as your support would be greatly appreciated. We are in this together!

Thank you.

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