Brand Guidelines

Last week we finally received the Branding Guidelines regarding the use of the club name from Hull CIty. We have been asked to provide feedback on these guidelines in time for our next scheduled meeting – 7th February.

Here is a link to the document provided by the club and here is a link to our proposed changes.

We would be delighted to hear any feedback you may have on our social media pages, in the comments section below or via email to

2 Replies to “Brand Guidelines”

  1. I think it might be worth having a catagory. Original and historical name. Hull City afc or Hull City. Another catagory could be. Name recognised worldwide. Hull City.

  2. I agree with the majority of the proposed changes to the Brand Guidelines. The original guidelines from 2014 made interesting reading and made it clear why the club insisted on using terms that made no sense to many supporters.

    I think that the proposed changes should stick to the original structure in the Brand Guidelines. After all, the club is a business and these are largely business guidelines. However, I strongly agree that the term Hull Tigers should not be used. If there is a need for a two word reference to the club, it should be Hull City. I believe that this is the term that most supporters – and football followers in general – would recognise and understand as referring to the club side that represents our city.

    I am an ex-season-ticket holder and have mainly attended away matches since 2014. If there was a change to the Branding Guidelines and an acknowledgement that the way the club has been run has led to its current predicament, I would resume attending home matches.

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