HCST AGM Agenda – May 2021

HCST Annual General Meeting Agenda  – May 2021

May we, as the Board of Hull City Supporters Trust, take this opportunity to thank all our members for your continued support in these difficult times and would encourage you to renew your membership if possible. We continue to engage in many ways in our local area and would encourage you to bring any ideas in which we can continue to do this to our attention. We also appreciate your questions and feedback.

As previously notified, we are unable to have a physical AGM as in previous years, due to the Covid19 restrictions.

In order to fulfil the requirement for an AGM under our own constitution, we have put together an electronic version which will be available to members from Saturday 29th May – this will include a downloadable Annual Report and links to videos of the Officers Reports. Members will be informed by a separate email.

The agenda & pre-reading for the  AGM are available to download here.

Your participation would be greatly appreciated.

Jean Cannon
Secretary – Hull City Supporters Trust