Why Join HCST

Trust Director Ian Bunton explains why he joined the HCST and why you maybe should too!


Back in October 1977, Dad decided I was old enough to be taken to my first Hull City game.

A midweek home game under the floodlights at Boothferry Park, against Spurs. During the few days build up, I was extremely excited and can to this day, still remember it vividly.

Donned in scarf and holding Dad’s hand, walking down County Road with the swarm of fellow fans. Smelling the burger stands, hearing the shouts of the progamme and golden goal sellers, and the click of the turnstile. The clamber up the steps to take our seats in the South stand behind the goal, and then, the awe of the lights and the pitch itself, not to mention the players.

City even went on to win 2-0, courtesy of two Alan Warboys goals.

The whole experience was truly magical. Even at that tender age, I never wanted that feeling to go away.

In the forty years since, yes, that feeling has ebbed and flowed, but deep down, I’ve always felt it there.

We’ve experienced many lows as Hull City fans, and some unbelievable highs; highs which we thought would never happen.

Dad has sadly since passed away, and I have now adopted the responsibility of taking my own son through the same journey and experiences. We’ve even recently achieved a lifelong ambition of mine, in attending every City game during the 15/16 season, meeting some great fellow City supporters along the way, each with their own stories.

One overriding feeling came through.

Even during some of those lows with City, we always felt wanted by the club. We are the lifeblood of it, always have been, and always will be. Players come and go, as do owners, but the majority of supporters remain loyal.

However, despite the last few seasons seeing unprecedented success on the pitch, a multitude of poor management decisions by our current owners, have alienated us fans. We no longer feel wanted or part of OUR club, Hull City AFC.

When the 15/16 season finished, and we’d witnessed our 58th game of the season, despite it ending in Wembley success, it was by many, described as the saddest promotion ever.

So, unlike in recent years, rather than simply crossing my fingers and hoping that things would change, I thought I should do more.

This led me to initially become a member of the Hull City Supporters Trust (HCST).

At first, it just felt like the right thing to do. There was a body, who were prepared to voice an opinion, on behalf of City supporters, and speak out about issues like No Concessions, No Fan Dialogue and Name Changes by stealth.

And then I looked a bit further about exactly what the HCST did, and their aims. It is certainly more than just airing views.

The HCST has already been successful in a number of areas, liasing with recognised football bodies including The Premier League, The EFL, The Football Supporters Federation, Supporters Direct, but to name a few. It will be an even stronger body, with even more success, with increased membership numbers.

So if you have maybe become a lapsed member, or not yet joined, I would urge you to become a member. The membership is excellent value for money, offering discounts to members, and represents just the equivalent of a few pints.

Whilst I appreciate that things may not change overnight, and the current owners – fan divide is becoming ever large, things can and will change. The HCST, with your help and membership can be integral in achieving that.

Join now.

Let’s get back to that magical feeling of being a City fan.

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