Statue for Ebenezer

CTWD applauds the efforts of 15 year old Oliver Harsley who is campaigning for a statue to celebrate the life and work of Ebenezer Cobb Morley, founder of modern day football and the first Secretary of the FA.

Ebenezer was born in Hull in 1831 and we support any initiative which seeks to recognise the history and tradition of the great game, particularly where it has a local flavour. We are also pleased to see any campaign which gives recognition to Hull’s famous people, past and present. Hopefully this is something we will see more of as we move towards 2017 and City of Culture status.

We understand Oliver plans to give a presentation to the FA in the coming weeks in order to explore areas such as funding, design, sculptor and a choice of location for the statue. It is hoped the statue will become a local landmark, meeting place and focal point for both home and visiting fans. CTWD fully supports the campaign and will be delighted to see Ebenezer Cobb Morley recognised in his home city. You can follow the campaign on Twitter @ForStatue