More Abuse by Hull City Fans

A great win for the Tigers on the road at Blackpool, hopefully the start of things to come.

Sadly, this impressive victory has been overshadowed by confirmed reports we are receiving of homophobic abuse aimed at Ryan Longman by our own fans!!

The Trust finds this kind of abuse, along with online abuse, totally unacceptable and would urge all true fans to stand up against it. There were 364 of us there and someone must know who the abuser was. If you do know them, please make it clear to them that it is not acceptable.

The incident has been reported to Blackpool FC so we will see what action is taken.

Although not so prevalent with Hull City, player abuse in sport continues to increase, and has become such an issue that UEFA has launched a campaign #realscars to highlight the effect that abuse has on players (see link below) who, after all, are just people trying to do their job to the best of their ability.

If we want our team to improve then we need to stand behind them, encourage them and support them, even when the players, the staff or the team are going through a tough period.

Thank you.