HCST Update: Club Contact

Further to requests from a number of members the Trust has issued the following update on ongoing communication between HCST and Hull City.

The Trust Chairman was invited by the club Vice Chairman to attend an informal meeting which took place at the KCOM Stadium at the end of 2020.

No specific items were discussed, however an indication was made that the club were now in a position whereby they would like to begin working with the Trust going forward.

The Vice Chairman suggested holding a further meeting where specifics could be discussed.

Unfortunately due to lockdown restrictions and Covid issues, it has not been possible for this meeting to take place yet, although we are hopeful this will take place soon.

The Trust is in regular communication with the club and have recently raised the issue of club memberships given the ongoing Covid-19 issues and have been assured this is something the club is reviewing on an ongoing basis.

We will update members of progress once the proposed second meeting has taken place.