HCST Statement

As has been his intention for some time Geoff Bielby has today announced he has stepped down as Chairman of Hull City Supporters Trust (HCST) with effect from today, 20th August.

Geoff was appointed to the role of Chairman in March 2016 and had originally intended to serve in that role for three years. At the Board Meeting in June following the AGM, Geoff agreed to stay on as Chairman as a temporary measure until the uncertainty around the club’s position was resolved.

The decision to step down now is prompted by the recent call for a unified supporter base by HCST earlier this month with our Amber Ribbon campaign, mirrored by a call for Unity by the Vice Chairman of the Club recently.

Geoff has advised the Club earlier this week of his intentions which followed personal correspondence with the owners in November and December last year. He has now called on the Club to again meet HCST formally.

HCST is the only membership group fully affiliated to the Football Supporters Association and as such can continue to represent supporters in an informed and professional way adding value to Club /Supporter dialogue. This is needed more than ever as Clubs prepare for the safe return of fans following games behind closed doors.

Geoff will remain as a HCST Director until the 2021 AGM when he is due to seek re-election. Geoff will also remain on the FSA National Council until their next AGM which has been delayed due to COVID-19 restrictions.

Graham Cannon will take the role of Interim Chairman with immediate effect until that appointment is ratified by the full Board of Directors at the next Board meeting.

Amber Ribbon Campaign

Today HCST is launching the Amber Ribbon Campaign.

What is the purpose of the Campaign?

To allow people to show their support for Hull City AFC and to unite a fragmented fanbase behind the club, but not necessarily the current custodians.

Why Amber Ribbon?

The Amber Ribbon idea is based on the use of the Yellow Ribbon in the US Civil War to remember missing soldiers. We are using Amber Ribbon to remember missing fans and to show there are many who Will Be Back once the club is under responsible leadership. It also shows prospective new owners Hull City fans are here, ready, willing and able to support OUR club!

How can you help?

  • Add an Amber Ribbon to your social media name
  • Use the hashtags #WeWillBeBack and #BackInAmber
  • Put an Amber Ribbon in your window, tie one on your door or simply wear an Amber Ribbon or badge

Future Plans?

We have other ideas to develop this campaign which we will reveal in due course (including badges you will be able to purchase shortly) however we want supporters to evolve this idea themselves and be creative!