Statue for Ebenezer

Ebenezer Cobb Morley is generally regarded as the founding father of the modern game of football – and he was born in Kingston Upon Hull.  Cobb Morley proposed the founding of the Football Association, led the first meeting of the Association in 1863.  As the FA’s first secretary he drafted the original Laws of the Game.

Under the steady guiding hand of stalwart City fan Ollie Harsley, the #StatueForEbenezer campaign was launched in 2014 with the aim of marking the worldwide sporting importance of Cobb Morley as part of the 2017 City of Culture celebrations.  Ollie’s vision is to create and site a statue of Cobb Morley in the City of Hull.  He has previously engaged with the club’s management in pursuit of this aim, he is now seeking contact with the Football Association and now wishes to broaden the campaign.  Hull City Supporters’ Trust is happy to support Ollie’s cause, initially through the creation of this page.

What can you do?  Firstly, follow the campaign on Twitter at @ForStatue.  Secondly, if you are interested in getting involved in the campaign please email us at with your ideas for funding, design and location.  And thirdly, if you have contact with important stakeholders and opinion formers in the City, please extol the virtue of Ollie’s magnificent idea.

The man that created football is from Hull.  If that’s not worth celebrating, what is?  Join us and get involved.